If you take the time to read this, you probably have nothing better to do. In that case, I suggest you either get a life or try to prove that 1 + 1 = 2 (there's a 300ish page proof on that already).


Web and App Developer

My Projects

YouTube Channel

Coding w/ Vihaan

Hello! Welcome to Coding w/ Vihaan! This is a channel where we talk about coding and computers. Currently, we have about 35 subscribers, 4 videos, and about 1K views.

Python Library


vedder is a Python library named after a portmanteau of "Vihaan" and "header". This library is a multipurpose Python library that imports a bunch of useful libraries and defines a bunch of useful functions to make code shorter.


This is a newsletter I have created to give you updates about this website and my life. We will send you emails every time something major changes on this website, or something major happens in my life. You can expect one email approximately every 11 days.